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Showing posts from February, 2019

Meet you in 10 hours!

Hi Little One! Im writing this message just hours before you join us, please allow myself to introduce... myself. Hi! Im your dad! Im the handsome fella that carries you around and wipes your poops. We have a few other people living with us too, your Momma and your big Sissie.. Madeline! So here's how this works. I do my best to be a dad, screw up along the way, apologize.. wash, rinse and repeat! This blog is meant to be a collection of pictures and stories for when you get older to look at and say "wow, my dad sure was a knucklehead.. but we did a lot of cool stuff!" I'm not going to capture major holidays and events in here. You'll remember some Christmas' and such, and people will take pictures of those events because they'll be inherently special. I'll be capturing these "normal" days where we did something cool, fun or different. Maybe it's a first trip to the movies, or we went to the park and played on the swings. Ya n