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Meet you in 10 hours!

Hi Little One! Im writing this message just hours before you join us, please allow myself to introduce... myself. Hi! Im your dad! Im the handsome fella that carries you around and wipes your poops. We have a few other people living with us too, your Momma and your big Sissie.. Madeline! So here's how this works. I do my best to be a dad, screw up along the way, apologize.. wash, rinse and repeat! This blog is meant to be a collection of pictures and stories for when you get older to look at and say "wow, my dad sure was a knucklehead.. but we did a lot of cool stuff!" I'm not going to capture major holidays and events in here. You'll remember some Christmas' and such, and people will take pictures of those events because they'll be inherently special. I'll be capturing these "normal" days where we did something cool, fun or different. Maybe it's a first trip to the movies, or we went to the park and played on the swings. Ya never know! I've maintained one of these things for your sister in the hopes that when she turns 18 and hates my guts, I can show her all these cool pictures and stories and melt her heart and she'll feel bad and we can go get an ice cream cone while she tells me her troubles. This is sorta the same thing for you! OK, so I'm writing this on 2/4.. you're not here yet! I mean.. you're sorta.. almost here. You've been kickin Mommy's insides for a few months now and make her have to pee a lot, but we haven't been able to hold you yet. So, looking forward to seeing you and holding you in nothing more than a few hours! However, I wanted to kick off this blog with a little note. You have NO idea how much you're loved and wanted, and you'll never understand (ok.. that's not entirely true, but I don't expect you to truly understand until you're an old man like me and potentially blessed enough to have a baby). We'll regale the tale another time of how we found out we were having you (I'll give you a hint, you were a happy surprise), but a lot of care, love and sacrifice goes into having a baby.. not by me, it's easy for me! I can eat, sleep, drink and\or go whenever\whatever I want! Not your Mommy though. She had to cut out certain foods, stop drinking most things, try to stay comfortable, buy new clothes, all sorts of changes! Mommy doesn't care though, and that's the point of this first post. A lot of care and concern went into making sure that you came out healthy. Mommy ate the right things, avoided the wrong things, and wanted to be sure that you have the best chance possible to be a healthy baby. All we can do now is hope a little, and pray a lot, that you are OK. However, Mommy did EVERYTHING in her power to give you every shot possible to be safe, happy, healthy and loved. To say she'd do anything for you is an understatement. You're everything to us, and we can't wait to share our love with you. OK, so.. see ya soon! Love ya, Dad!
